Friday, June 18, 2010


Okay, I still get nervous
Okay, I still look away
Okay, I still find fallen leaves
And figure out what they mean.

Okay, so I'm cryptic
Okay, so I'm nothing special
Okay, so I'm better off quiet
But I don't know how.

Okay, I still get nervous
And I say stupid things
Sometimes I'm not smart
But most of the time I know.

Writer's Eulogy

Creative infuriation
The end note
Cannot be written
Without the completion
Of the beginning

Poetic injustice
The introduction
Cannot be read
Without the happening
Of the duration

The end came too near
The beginning finished too soon
All the while inflated
Without the time recorded
Forgotten stories

Better lived than told.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Up the Ante

Clock work
Wise and wicked
Complete and utter, freedom

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Twisted up in Knickers

Tame my mind
Think of nothing else
Tomorrow is new
Today is a dream
Yesterday nothing more
Than a mistake of years lost
Forget it all